Amount Given: $2,500​
Purpose: To supplement costs for reglazing windows and storm repair.

As leaders in philanthropy in our community, Endow Urbandale recognizes the critical need to act with fierce urgency to support our Urbandale non-profit partners. Our 2020 Covid emergency relief fund raised $61,972 for emergency grants. Endow Urbandale has matched $20,000 in donations.
We know that with the rising numbers in our local community and Iowa, there will be long-term needs. We hope that, with your continued support, we can continue to meet those needs.
Urbandale American Legion Post 663
Amount Given: $1,750​
Purpose: To replace lost funding for veteran’s Christmas baskets.
Amount Given: $5,465​
Purpose: To purchase breathing apparatus adapters for PPE filters.
Youth Emergency Services & Shelter
Amount Given: $2,500​
Purpose: To replace funding lost due to cancellation of fundraising events.
Amount Given: $5,000​
Purpose: To replace lost fundraising opportunities to pay ongoing bills and for emergency repairs to storm damaged roof and windows of Urban House and barn.
Amount Given: $5,000​
Purpose: To replace COVID-related lost funding for their Coats for Kids program.
Urbandale Community Action Network
Amount Given: $8,000​
Purpose: To help with emergency purchases of clothing, food supplements, sanitary supplies, and PPE for families in need and seniors.

Urbandale Schools Nutrition Services
Amount Given: $5,000​
Purpose: Toward purchase of a mobile meal vehicle to meet COVID-related increased needs for their summer food program.
Urbandale Community Action Network
Amount Given: $3,600​
Purpose: For rent assistance for new facility to accommodate COVID relief efforts.
Urbandale Community Action Network
Amount Given: $10,000​
Purpose: For increased operating needs and to purchase clothing and personal care items for their new Clothing Closet.