Living History Farms Foundation
Amount Given: $2,500​
Purpose: To support a new “Cultivation Complex” that would allow for year-round programming. EU committed to support for four years for a total of $10,000.
Amount Given: $800​
Purpose: Purchase equipment and supplies for the Valerius Elementary School running programs.
Amount Given: $3,000​
Purpose: Olmsted Urban House repairs and upgrades
Urbandale Community Action Network
Amount Given: $1,000​
Purpose: Redesign the UCANN website to make it accessible and available in Spanish
Amount Given: $5,000​
Purpose: Installation of musical play equipment at Barrett Boesen Park and Natural Playscape
Amount Given: $2,000​
Purpose: Support the production of Hello Dolly (Summer 2025 play)
Urbandale Community Adult Band
Amount Given: $1,300​
Purpose: Upgrades to the drum kit and new chairs for the band wagon
Urbandale Schools Alumni Foundation
Amount Given: $2,250​
Purpose: Support for the educator "mini-grant" program to expand classroom resources